The Certificate of Merit says, “The Saskatoon Fire Department is honoured to acknowledge your actions by recognizing an emergency, calling 911, and providing assistance when confronted with a life safety situation on November 16th.”
Saskatoon Fire Department Chief Morgan Hackl read those words to Glen Green and his daughter Alexandra during a virtual presentation to thank the pair for saving a woman in the river who had gone in to get her dog. Glen Green says they were walking their dogs in Chief Whitecap dog park on Monday afternoon and eventually realized the calls they were hearing were calls for help.
His daughter Alexandra called 911 and directed emergency crews to the area while Glen ran to the river and jumped down a bank to an ice shelf that the woman was trying to lift her dog on to. Both Leah and her dog were rescued.
Glen and Alexandra believe Leah should be recognized as well. Glen Green understands not everyone would agree, but he says if you consider your pets family, you will do whatever you can to save them.
Fire Chief Morgan Hackl says helping other need is a critical value of the culture in Saskatoon and of the Saskatoon Fire Department, and he thanks the Greens for putting that value into action.