RCMP say they seized 17 kilograms of illicit substances in a traffic stop on Monday. Police got a call around 11:30 a.m. of an erratic driver and located the suspect SUV just west of Battleford on the Yellowhead Highway. 36 year old Lowen Diehl from the Penhold/Alberta area is facing multiple drug charges and is back in court next Wednesday.
Officers seized approximately 15 kilograms of suspected methamphetamine, one kilogram of suspected cocaine and one kilogram of an unidentified substance that has been sent for further testing in order to identify what it is, as well as small amount of suspected Fentanyl. There was also a quantity of Canadian currency.
To put this in perspective, the 15 kilograms of meth could be broken down into approximately 150,000 individual doses and the one kilogram of cocaine could be broken down into approximately 1,000 doses. RCMP Inspector Tom Beck says a seizure of this quantity will have significant, resounding impact.